CENG services make it possible to reduce development time.

CE for Engineering and QA Services
Cross-reference data analysis (Second source alternatives)
CENG supplies full component information as result to your cross reference request.
Your Input reference may be any available information:
Minimal description
Manufacturer p/n
Manufacturer name
Data Sheet
Critical parameters
Foot print
Picture of part
Other information
Cross output includes full component information:
Part Description
Manufacturer p/n
Data sheet
Other information per your request
CENG can supply samples for varification.
Please contact us and we will contact you ASAP.
BOM verification and cleansing
A bill-of-material (BOM) is initiated by the design engineers during the product development process. In many cases, therefore, the list is improperly arranged or it contains duplicate parts This is where the expertise of CENG enters the picture.
BOM Verification includes :
Manufacturer Name and Manufacturer Part Number control.
Production Status.
Stock Availability.
Critical Parameters as Temperature range and others acording to the customer request and CENG recommendations.
New Part for PLM (AGILE, PRIORITY, ARENA, TEAMCENTER, EXCEL and other systems)
Request for new part with the following details:
Description of the new part
Manufacturer Name and Part Number
Size / Package
Data Sheet
Critical Parameters
Supplied information for new part:
Description in defined standard
Manufacturer name and Part Number
Data Sheet
Symbol (ORCAD, Altium)
Footprint for ALLEGRO
RoHS, REACH, CMTR declarations
UL certifications
Samples for varification
PCN Review
A Product/Process Change Notification (PCN) is an announcement that informs customers of a change. Function of Component Engineer is a PCN review and activate the process in case of EOL or update data in cases of Part Number change.
CENG offers PCN review service.
To comply with the global regulations, the Companies are required to collect and obtain declarations of:
REACH according to last release.
Conflict Minerals - CMRT
CENG helps to Companies to obtain and collect these documents.
Cross-reference data analysis (Second source alternatives)
Cross-reference service helps design engineers, NPI engineers and logistics functions to optimize their product in addition to cost reduction possibility.